High quality client service, accurate and comprehensive answers to the questions of the clients, excellent order in the work of your call center is what Smiddle Agent Scripting can help you to achieve!
Using Agent Scripting tips, the agent clearly builds the conversation according to the chosen scenario, receiving from the clients and providing them with all necessary information. Also, there is a possibility of displaying information from external systems.
With the utilization of this system the call center agent knows exactly how to answer the questions and how to deal with objections of clients, what is the next step in the conversation, how to handle some difficulties in communication with clients and how to make the most out of each call.
In modern call centers the agents are surrounded by high-tech solutions whose aim is to enhance work efficiency and client service. Unfortunately, it often happens so that huge amount of information, variety of different tasks as well as the tiredness of the agents can lead to some chaos and deterioration in work efficiency, which will definitely have a negative impact on the quality of client service and work of the call center in general.
Smiddle Agent Scripting is an excellent program solution which allows to prevent such troublesome situations, to enhance efficiency of the work, self-organization of the agent, and to provide prompt and accurate answers to the questions and objections of the clients due to created conversation scenarios.
The system provides its administrator with the opportunity to design conversation scenarios, which include possible and probable questions of the user, and corresponding reactions of the agent in each of these cases. Thus, a correctly written communication scenario will help the contact center agent to find the answer to the most probable / typical questions of the client and help them to avoid conflicts with the customers, by carefully planned work with objections.
The script is automatically launched in a separate web interface (Executor) and can be integrated into Cisco Finesse or other external system that is the agent’s workplace. On the basis of input parameters (agent, client, phone number, campaign, script number) Executor runs the required script and executes it. Further, the agent uses this script to structure their communication with the client, providing the clients with the relevant answers to their questions and asking corresponding questions, receiving the necessary information from the client.
During the execution of the script, the system provides for the exchange of data with external sources (for example, CRM) through the External data controller module. Thus, it is possible both to obtain information from external sources and to transmit data in the opposite direction.
In case the call was interrupted for some reason, it is possible to resume the conversation with the client from the moment it was interrupted. The history of the script execution is saved in the database and allows to restore the interrupted communication.
The module was developed in such way that in order to design scenarios and to make settings no programming skills are needed, so, your non-technical staff will easily cope with this task.
The system can be applied whatever field your business works in, since you can design the scenarios which are appropriate for your business.
Detailed manual and instructions how to design scenarios are supplied with the product.
By using Smiddle Agent Scripting you can be absolutely confident about the competent and efficient work of your managers! Your clients will get accurate and exhaustive information, while your business will get valuable data for analysis and decision-making!
Contact us now or order a free product demo! We will be pleased to show you all the features of this solution!
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