
How to get the most out of call center recordings?

 When contacting the contact center, no one is surprised by the message that the conversation can be recorded, the benefits of recording are undeniable. But making the most of these saved records for your contact center is already a question. Often, if there is a recording, it is difficult to find it and if the question is not critical, no one wants to look for it at all, because you need to spend a lot of time listening and selecting.

Unfortunately, a large number of solutions offered on the market today make it possible to record and save, but they do not help at all to work with this huge amount of data. But having a record of a conversation with clients, you can not only prove your case in a dispute and evaluate the quality of the agent's work.

By analyzing the records of phone calls from your contact center or call center, you can assess the quality of work not only of an individual operator, but of the entire call center in general, train new employees, check the relevance of scripts, update the portrait of the target audience and track changes in customer preferences. Now imagine how much more convenient it is to analyze, collect statistics and evaluate calls, when the recording can be accelerated or slowed down, sort all records by a separate tag or operator, find records with the necessary keywords, select only long or short, etc.

Therefore, when choosing a solution, it is so important to pay attention not only to its cost, but also to additional functionality, which in turn can provide significant resource savings.

A convenient filtering system will allow you to quickly find the desired recording, the accelerated listening function will allow you to listen and evaluate more recordings in the same period of time, and the ability to recognize and translate speech into text format allows you to analyze 100% of conversations with clients and collect data on the effectiveness of communication in a convenient report. The speech to text module allows you to get a visual text transcript in the form of a dialogue.

Using the Smiddle Recording solution, you can listen to the conversation and view it in text format, set tags and keywords, analyze calls from all operators or individual agents, draw conclusions and finalize scripts, quickly train staff - this is not the whole list of opportunities that will become available to you. when using our solution.

The ability to integrate with third systems allows you to ensure the availability of information, for example, in CRM, and multi-level configuration of access rights will help to ensure a high level of protection.

You can learn more about the solution by requesting a DEMO on the solution page.