Smiddle Quality Management

This product will help you to achieve the ideal service in your contact center. Identify the shortcomings in the
communication of your agents and eliminate them, taking the quality of work to the highest level.


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Smiddle Quality Management

smiddle quality managment Customer Service is the Face of the Company

Surely, you know these truths, because only considering them, you can build a strong business and get loyal customers:
  • Customers always expect a high level of service from the company, and if the expectations are not met, customer loyalty to the company may be shaken.
  • Outstanding service is one of the key factors for the client and a competitive advantage over other companies in the market.
  • It is extremely important to provide a sufficiently high level of service not only to attract new customers but also to retain existing ones.
  • The quality of service is affected by many factors: staff turnover, gaps in the knowledge of agents, lack of motivation, fatigue, etc. It is important to identify and fix such problems in time.
Achievement of good service is not an easy task

Achievement of good service is not an easy task


Unfortunately, the achievement of the service level which you can pride yourself on, is not an easy task, due to a variety of reasons, such as poor selection and staff turnover, lack of training, experience and knowledge among agents, lack of motivation, insufficient control, agent fatigue and other factors.

It often happens so that lack of preparation of the agents, gaps in knowledge about the goods or services offered by the company, or inability to solve conflict situations, can lead to dissatisfaction of the client, their refusal to use services of the company or creation of unattractive image of the company.

There can be plenty of consequences, but all of them cause the loss of profit by the company. What is more, dealing with negative reviews and image of the company demands substantial expenses of time and money.

How Smiddle Quality Management will help you improve the quality of client service?


How Smiddle Quality of Service will help you improve the quality of client service

We propose to solve the task of monitoring and improving the quality of service in the contact center by using a special system. It provides a possibility to monitor and evaluate the work of agents and to generate reports providing a complete picture of the work of every agent and the quality of service in the contact center according to selected criteria.

Smiddle Quality Management system created by our company allows us to effectively implement this control. To evaluate the agents’ work, a number of criteria are used and grouped together. You can define the necessary criteria yourself, choosing those criteria that are important for your business. The system provides an opportunity to create checklist templates, using which you can group the criteria for evaluating the agents exactly as the goals of your business require.

The system allows you to download all statistics data to a Microsoft Excel / PDF file and receive summary statistics on agents, supervisors, groups and checklist forms.


This product is used by contact center supervisors. When listening to a call, the supervisor evaluates the conversations of the agents with the help of checklists formed from the evaluation criteria. Each criterion can be given a specific weight, depending on how crucial this criterion is for the final evaluation. The sum of the weights of all criteria within the checklist is always 100.

The evaluation of the supervisor is tied to the name of the agent, which makes it possible to receive reports on the work of contact center employees and make decisions on the measures aimed at eliminating shortcomings in work and to encourage the best employees. In order to avoid manipulation, the system provides ability to evaluate the agent's call by one supervisor only once.


What you receive using Smiddle Quality Management:


  •  Identification of the shortcomings of existing training of agents and monitoring of the effectiveness of trainings.
  •  Improvement of the quality of service by using information received from QM system and making managerial decisions.
  •  Ability to identify and quickly address the gaps in the quality of the work of your agents.
  •  Decrease in operation expenses due to an increase in the first call resolution indicator.
  •  Control of the performance of every agent and contact center in general.
  •  Increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Why is Smiddle Quality Management –
a perfect solution for your business?

The product has a number of characteristics making it an excellent solution for quality control
and obtainment of the necessary data.
Ease of use
Ease of use
The work of the system is performed in such way that the quality control manager has to make minimal efforts, simply by setting up estimates for conversations by groups of criteria indicated in checklists.
Availability of the criteria directory
Availability of the criteria directory
The system has a built-in criteria directory, in which the criteria are distributed among groups. You should just select the groups and criteria you want to use for evaluation of the quality of your agents’ work.
Possibility of setting weight to every criterion
Possibility of setting weight to every criterion
Criteria have a different degree of importance, and the system makes it possible to take this into account, setting different weight to every criterion. For example, competence in technical matters can be regarded as more important than the speed of clarifying the problem of the client, etc.
Protection against manipulation with evaluation
Protection against manipulation with evaluation
After the evaluation of the conversation has taken place, it is prohibited to change ratings in order to avoid possible manipulation. However, another supervisor may separately evaluate the same call.
Getting all the necessary reports
Getting all the necessary reports
The user of this system can get various detailed reports, demonstrating the level of performance of every individual agent according to different criteria and the rating of the contact center as a whole. Thus, you can analyze, for example, the level of the agent's competence, and whether this indicator has improved after the training. Also, there is a possibility of seeing the dynamics of the service quality in general and what component of the service requires attention, improvement, and training.
Easy installation and support
Easy installation and support
Installation of the product does not require significant efforts of technical staff and takes minimum amount of time.

If you are faced with the task of monitoring and improving the quality of service in the contact center, Smiddle Quality Management is a perfect system that will easily help you to cope with this task!

Contact us now or order a free product demo! It will be our pleasure to tell you about the system in more detail and demonstrate its work.

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